Thank you for subscribing to our IPO Candygram. The name comes from the vintage SNL skit featuring Dan Akroyd, John Belushi, Chevy Chase, Gilda Radner, and Jane Curtain which is a classic.
You'll get a good update and roundup of all new issue capital market activity with the Candygram. That will include highlights from our SPACvest site along with links to new posts at Almost Daily Candy.
You can also follow us on Twitter at IPO_Candy and SPACvest.
SPACvest covers the IPO names coming public via the SPAC process. This area had a big boom and subsequent bust but will be with us as another "tool in the toolbox" for companies entering the public markets. The structure of the SPAC market has pros and cons but does create some interesting investment opportunities if you follow it closely.
IPO Candy PRO is our database of all IPO assets that we have captured over the last 10+ years. It's aimed at industry professionals, management teams, and investment bankers. If that might fit your need visit the site to learn more.